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Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Thank You For Throwing Me Away

alhamdulillah , aku bersyukur sangat sangat sebab aku dah dapat bebas sekarang ni ..
tak kesah lah siapa buang siapa sekarang ni , yang penting aku bahagia ..
bukan cara aku nak menindas hidup orang lain .. 
sebab aku tidak pernah di didik untuk berbuat demikian kepada orang di sekeliling .. (:

i should thank to you for what you did to me ..
till the very end , i just remain silent ..
it's not because i'm afraid .. 
it's because RESPECT !
how shameful , you're getting old ..
but till now , you don't even know how to respect people ..
how stupid you are .. 
nevermind , let see how long you can live that way .. 
all the best for you old hag !! (:

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