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Monday, January 30, 2012

" Heart Broken " Is A Very Painful Way To Die

when we talk about " broken heart " or " heart broken " , it always refers to " love " .. 

kita tidak akan memahami apa itu cinta sekiranya kita tidak merasa kesakitan daripada mencintai seseorang ..

experience from loving someone , which improve our understanding the true meaning of love .. right people ? (:

but .. 

once we've been hurt , it feels like we were slowly dying ..
i've experience it more than once , more than twice ..
it feels hurt .. just like my heart's been torn to pieces ..

now .. 

i'm trying to avoid from falling in love to someone ..
but it's hard to avoid it ..
falling in love is normal .. 
so it can't be helped .. -.-

i'm looking for someone , who can understand me ..
take care of me ..
care about me ..
believe in me ..
and ..
loving me ..

well , it's pretty hard to find this kind of woman ..
all i need to do is to keep searching .. (:

hm , i miss her so much ..
almost for 2 months we didn't see each other ..
i wonder how she is right now ..
yesterday , i can't stop thinking of her ..
idk why .. weird isn't ? hee

if i had the opportunity , i would like to ask her only one thing ..

" will you give me the second chance to loving you ? "

and if i had the chance to make a wish , i wish that .. 
you'll love me again ..  

imysm <3

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