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Thursday, January 12, 2012

Gloomy Day

yesterday , after i meet amir i'm about to went to kfc klang ..
but when i was on my way , i just received a call from my mother ..
it's hard for me to believe of what mother were saying at first .. but after she gave me a proper explanation , then only i believed .. 
after received that news , i went to my granny house .. 
when i arrived .. i was like " no way , it's really happening " ..
i can't stop my tears at that moment ..
 looks like that is the last day i see my granny's face ..
after i spend my 10 min at granny's house , i went back to kfc klang ..
what the hell , i'm late about 30 min .. 
bila aku sampai sampai jeaa semua orang perli aku sebab datang lambat .. 
takpa , aku tak kesah pun .. 
lagi pun time tu aku takda mood sangat nak bertegur sapa dengan dorang semua .. 
itu takpa lah lagi , time nak buat kerja tu ..
 Ya Allah , semua benda yang aku buat ada jeaa yang tak kena ..
hari ni aku closing sorang sorang pun sampai berterabur kerja kerja aku .. 
closing pun sampai tak ikut step ..
sorry ea korang , sebab aku lambat datang kerja aku dah susahkan korang semua .. 
and i'm sorry too because today i only shows my shitty face in front of all of you ..

well , this morning i attend to my granny's funeral ceremony ..
what a gloomy environment .. 
everyone was crying .. while me , with my stupid face and standing like nothing is happening ..
but that does not mean that the inside me is calm like the outside me ..
from the outside , yes i pretend to be calm ..
but from the inside , only God knows how i feel ..


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