Hey Yaw People ! Welcome To My Official Blog . by - Nur Hakim Roslan . ☺


Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Patience !

I don't know how much longer I can keep my cool and patience with my situation right now . This is the first time , i keep my head low just because of a women . My friend keep asking me the same question all over again " Kenapa kau tunduk dekat perempuan sampai macam ni sekali ? Better kau cari perempuan yang tahu hargai pengorbanan kau " . But my answer won't change . " Aku hidup dengan satu prinsip , aku tak kan give up untuk terus menyayangi seseorang perempuan tu walaupun satu hari nanti dia akan kecewakan aku " . 

Right now , I admit that I've work so hard and I'm trying to give my best in my work . I came back late at night , working almost for the whole day only for a reason . " I want to marry her " . And when the time is right , then only i can see with my own eyes , hear with my own ears . What kind of answer she'll give me . Whether " Yes " or " No" . Dear MBMJ , I'm not asking you for more . When the time comes , I want to hear myself whether you really really love me ? Are you willing to be a part of me ? Will you be my wife ? (:

That day will come , and all i have to do is wait and be patience . InsyaAllah , * years from now . Amin 

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