Hey Yaw People ! Welcome To My Official Blog . by - Nur Hakim Roslan . ☺


Friday, July 26, 2013

I'm Just Me

I'm annoying ? Heartless ? Selfish ? Arrogant ? Show off ? What else ?

but .. 

Allow me ask you one thing before you say too much . 
Who the fuck you think you are ? 
Are you too perfect ? Your value is much worst than a shit !! 
Mirror yourself lady !! Look at you , you aren't perfect either . So stop judging people please . Maybe you have a beautiful personality , but too bad . Your attitude is far too ugly than you looks !! Shame on you . And at the same time , i feel so sorry for you lady . I think a 9 years old kids can think far more better than you . Fucking morons !

Ah , yes before that , let me show you my gratitude . 

* Double middle finger for you biatch !! (: *

Have a nice day 

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