Hey Yaw People ! Welcome To My Official Blog . by - Nur Hakim Roslan . ☺


Saturday, March 16, 2013

Back To Life

Assalamualaikum & Salam Sejahtera Semua ..

tudiaa , opening yang terlalu formal . haha . well , here i am again . berabad sudah aku tak update blog . entah kenapa tiba tiba hari ni ringan pula jari ni nak menaip . hm , a lot of things happen . but i don't think i'll tell all of it in this post . maybe next time okay . 

so , for today .. i think i'm about to die !! because of what ? the heck ! there will be 800 pax of food that i need to pack tonight ! start on 4 pm til 6 am . i'm beat man . -.-

guess i have no choice , kenalah buat sampai siap juga . yang penting balik jee kerja nanti aku nak tidur puashhhhh puashhhhhhhh ! haha

okay tujeee yg saya nak share , malas doe nak fikir bebanyak . buat sakit otak jee . lelama migrain aku . :O

Later peps ! Wasalam . (:

Nur Hakim Roslan 

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