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Tuesday, October 2, 2012

I'm Still Learning On How To Make Myself Better

  It's hard to be perfect isn't ? 
we can't avoid our-self from doing any mistake , all of us is the same .. 
i don't know whether the people around me realize that i'm about to change myself , but it doesn't matter ..
yeah , it's hard to make changes ..
in order to done it , we must have a strong determination .. 
i can't say that i'll be able to change myself either , but ..
as long as i keep trying , insyaAllah .. (:
even Allah said " Aku tidak akan mengubah nasib seseorang itu melainkan dia berusaha untuk mengubah nasib dirinya sendiri " ..
i do believe it .. 
right now , i'm trying to accept all my weakness ..
all my shortage .. 
and i will try not to give any excuse when i make a mistake .. (:

" what happen in the past have brought me back to my sense .. my life is only for a temporary .. all the sins that i've commit in my past is unforgivable .. what i have to do now is to seek for Allah forgiveness .. avoid myself from doing the same mistake and try to make a difference in the future .. "

i don't understand why only now i realize this thing .. 

" that someday , i'll getting married and having my own family .. "

" that someday i'll have a kid's and someone will call me Father "

" that someday i'll having a new responsibility to be a head of a family "

crazy isn't it ? (;
a big responsibility that i had to carry someday ..

- all the best for me -

Nur Hakim Roslan - 07-May-1994

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