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Monday, October 29, 2012

Don't Be Fooled By Your Own Stupidity !

I don't understand you guys ..

You're asking me to be more professional with my works , but it seem that you should teach yourself first before pointing your fingers at the others !

I know that I did wrong .. but as a superior staff you should know how to control your attitude and most importantly " MIND YOUR WORDS !!! " 

I don't mind if you scold me because I was absent last Saturday .. It's not because i want to .. I told you that I was oversleep that day .. I can accept if you scold me or something but at least don't express your feelings on the Facebook ! 

It's so dumb ass  I tell you that !! More important , don't BLAME MY MOM !! She had nothing to do with this !! I don't understand why you always talking SHIT with me .. If i had done anything wrong just come and talk to me face to face .. I'm not that coward and don't treat me like a rubbish !! You always compare my work with the others .. How silly you are .. I can't be like them , and i won't ! You should know this yourself , everyone had their own weakness . 

* aku mencarut berbata bata pun tak guna dekat sini .. nahh , berambus korang jauh jauh dari hidup aku .. semak nak mampus ! 

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