Hey Yaw People ! Welcome To My Official Blog . by - Nur Hakim Roslan . ☺


Monday, September 26, 2011

Offense That Cannot Be Avoided

i did read your blog and i understand how you feel . i always relate my personal problem with you . even my aunt say the same thing at me . when i had a problem , i always relate everyone around me with it . and because of it , i hurts their feelings . i do understand that the way i behave is absolutely wrong . i keep hurting you ain't i ? to say the truth , i can't even forgive myself anymore . but the way i'm talking to you earlier just like i did nothing wrong right ? i admit it , i'm not acting . i didn't realize at all after i read the post at your blog .  i did too many mistakes , and all i did is to say sorry and sorry for a million times . sorry no cure right ? that person was right . you tak boleh cakap tak kesah jeaa . i ni pun manusia jugak . tak lari dari buat silap . so lepas ni jangan takut takut nak tegur i kalau i ada buat salah yaa . tak kesah lah kalau you kena bertegas sekali pun , tolonglah tegur kay . i love you so much and i don't want to hurt you anymore . i'm the only one who's to be blamed . 

sorry , buat masa ni i tak dapat nak text you lagi . faham faham jeaa laa , i tengah pokai ni . tapi kalau you malas nak tunggu i text , you text jeaa i okay . and tell me everything that you want to say to me . i'll wait for you . 

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