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Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Stressful Day

yesterday is the worst day ever . 
lmao , too many customer liao . --
gosh , my hands feel numb . 
from 7pm till 11pm , i don't even have a chance to sit even for a sec . 
but nevermind , i'll get used to it sooner or later . (:
so , let's talk about the worst part . 
nak tahu apa ? hari ni duit dekat kaunter aku short RM3.95 . 
actually , kelmarin pun duit aku short jugak . short dalam RM8.90 . 
when Miss Diba said that my money short , i was like WTF ! 
only now i do understand why most of the people hates to work as a Cashier . --
okay , i'm done with the stories at the workplace . 
after that , i and amir went to chaq house .
and the worst part happened when i was there is when i've received a text from her .
she said that she wants to breakup with me . 
well , only god knows how i feel when i read the text . 
but it's okay , at least i've told her that i won't ask for breakup .
i thought that this is the last , but it seems that i was wrong again . pity me . ):
nevermind , i know that i was too busy with my work till i don't even have a sec to spend on you . 
tak kesah lah , yang penting you bahagia dengan kehidupan you lepas ni .
that's the least i can say for now . 
take care of yourself okay . (:
lastly , masa dekat rumah pulak ibu aku membebel .
memang sakit hati lah tadi , but i was at fault too . 
i didn't even told ibu that i won't be back home and because of that ibu waits for me at late night . sorry ibu , i promise i won't do that again . 

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