Hey Yaw People ! Welcome To My Official Blog . by - Nur Hakim Roslan . ☺


Thursday, November 17, 2011

Your " Sorry " Doesn't Mean Anything To Me

i told you ain't i ? 
don't call nor message me anymore . 
is it too hard for you to understand my words ? 
i don't need your sorry nor your regrets . 
the only thing i need from you is to get the hell out of my way .
is that clear ? 
 it's too late for you to regret now .
no matter what you did , it wouldn't change the fact .
next time , think twice before you act . got it ?

p/s : mood aku tak berapa nak okay . so kalau kau rasa kau tak nak kena maki hamun dengan aku better kau stop calling or text aku . harap sangat kau faham yaa budak . and please jangan nak tanya kenapa aku tak approve friend request kau dekat facebook . cukup baik lah aku ignore kau punya friend request tu , kalau aku ni kejam dah lama aku block kau . thanks for everything yaa budak . 

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