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Friday, November 25, 2011

I'm Speechless

sayang , i'm so sorry about last night . 
i had my own reason for doing that . 
i can't tell you now . maybe later . sorry sayang . 
by the way , thanks sebab sudi jumpa i semalam . 
to be honest , i miss you fucking damn much . 
i faham , maybe sebab spm kita dah jarang jumpa kan ? 
i pun taknak ganggu you study . even though i really want to meet you so badly that time but i hold my desire . 
hm , i'm just fine with it . 
there's a lot of things that i want to share with you . 
tapi nanti nanti jeaa laa ea . 
hm , you perasan tak yang kita ni dah lain ? i mean , kita dah tak macam dulu .
i rindu nak tengok kita macam dulu dulu . best sangat time tu kan .
but times move way too fast ..  
i miss .. all of our .. memories .. 

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